I am posting a quick cookbook on creating hanlon microkernel for easy reference. Detailed information on how the microkernel organized and build along with details on each of the command listed here can be found on git hanlon microkernel wiki
1. Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools -y sudo apt-get install -y fakeroot sudo apt-get install p7zip-full -y sudo apt-get install curl -y |
2. Install Ruby (I prefer using rvm)
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby source /home/user/.rvm/scripts/rvm |
3. Clone hanlon micro-kernel project into your working directory (my directory ~/wspace/hanlon/hanlon-mk)
cd mkdir wspace mkdir hanlon git clone hanlon-mk cd hanlon-mk |
4. Clone hanlon micro-kernel project into your working directory (my directory ~/wspace/hanlon/hanlon-mk)
cd mkdir wspace mkdir hanlon git clone hanlon-mk |
5. Create bundle file: This would create a temporary tar file containing all necessary files to complete iso creation process
cd hanlon-mk ./build-bundle-file.sh -d -t test1234 -b additional-build-files/builtin-extensions.lst -m additional-build-files/mirror-extensions.lst |
This would create hanlon-microkernal-bundle-<mode>.tar.gz. Mode of the file depends on dev/debug/prod switch selected with build-bundle-file.sh
6. Create iso file structure with tar file
cd bundle_files tar zxvf hanlon-microkernel-bundle-debug.tar.gz fakeroot ./build_initial_directories.sh |
This would create a directory structure to be used for the microkernel iso file. build_initial_directories.sh should be run as root. Because I do not prefer installing ruby at root, I am using fakeroot to work around the issue.
7. Create final iso file
./rebuild_iso.sh |
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