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Showing posts from August, 2014

Hanlon server can now run on Java

Hanlon server code is migrated / refactored to run on JRuby so that hanlon server can be deployed on Java Application Servers. This blog outline the process to create hanlon.jar file for JAS deployment Dependencies 1. OpenJDK 7 2. Jruby Hanlon Jar Creation Assuming hanlon git repo is cloned and a suitable dev environment setup. (ref. Setting up Hanlon Development Environment for further details) 1. Create hanlon.jar # go to hanlon home directory cd scripts ./ download necessary dependencies (xxx_jdbc.jar, ruby gems etc.,) and includes them into the war file   2. Deploy war Created war file can be found under builds directory of hanlon home directory. This file can be deployed onto your favorite java application server. It is tested on tomcat, jboss and glassfish. If you get a chance to test on other JAS containers, please post your feedback for any improvements

Building Hanlon Micro-Kernel (MK)

I am posting a quick cookbook on creating hanlon microkernel for easy reference. Detailed information on how the microkernel organized and build along with details on each of the command listed here can be found on git hanlon microkernel wiki   1. Install dependencies sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools -y sudo apt-get install -y fakeroot sudo apt-get install p7zip-full -y sudo apt-get install curl -y   2. Install Ruby (I prefer using rvm) \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby source /home/user/.rvm/scripts/rvm   3. Clone hanlon micro-kernel project into your working directory (my directory ~/wspace/hanlon/hanlon-mk) cd mkdir wspace mkdir hanlon git clone hanlon-mk cd hanlon-mk   4. Clone hanlon micro-kernel project into your working directory (my directory ~/wspace/hanlon/hanlon-mk) cd mkdir wspace mkdir hanlon git clone hanlon-mk   5. Create bundle file: This would create a temporary tar file containing all necessary ...