Pre-requisites Operating System: Support any standard Linux distribution (Ubuntu LTS 14.04) Database: MongoDB Web Server: Trinidad Dev Tools: JRuby development enviroment with necessary gems Others: git, make, openjdk7, etc., Setting up Update your linux to get all the latest distributions apt-get install updates 1. Install pre-requisites apt-get install -y git make mongodb openjdk-7-jre-headless g++ isc-dhcp-server ipxe tftp tftpd curl 2. Install ruby environment with your preferred Ruby environment manager like rvm or rbenv (I prefer using rvm) and setup jruby as your default environment \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby=jruby source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm rvm use jruby --default 3. Setup Hanlon working directory (My preferred location ~/wspace/hanlon) and clone hanon git repository cd mkdir wspace git clone hanlon 4. Install / update ruby gems cd hanlon bundle install gem install bundler trinidad 5. Run trinida...